They’re here for just a short time,
Long enough to recite their lines.
~Poetic Vagabonds~
Out to hitch a ride
From the rhyme as it passes by.
~Poetic Vagabonds~
Hopping into the front seat
Before the poem pulls out to leave.
~Poetic Vagabonds~
Weaving along roads of rhyme
Without regard for the passage of time.
~Poetic Vagabonds~
They go unheeded as the stream,
Without a care, it would seem.
~Poetic Vagabonds~
Writing with affection alliteratively,
Using metaphors and similes creatively.
~Poetic Vagabonds~
Willing to let the world go by,
With valor in their kindling eye.
~Poetic Vagabonds~
Living with joy supreme, with heart sublime,
Restless are they, these sojourners of time.
~Poetic Vagabonds~
Between the lines you will read
What could be their basic need.
~Poetic Vagabonds~
Do treat these poets gently,
Such a fragile entity.
~Poetic Vagabonds~
A teacher’s unexpected whisper, “You’ve got writing talent,” ignited Sara’s writing desire. Sara ignored that whisper and pursued a different career; eventually she re-discovered her inner writer and began writing. Her manuscripts and poems have been published in numerous anthologies and magazines including “Chicken Soup for the Soul” and “Guideposts.”