In the river of time our lives drift by,
Flowing forward under the changing sky.
And what we leave behind in the stream
Is polished like rocks in water until it gleams.
Fading memories catching the burning Sun,
Washed by time until the truth’s undone.
The stones in the river shine bright as gold,
So it is impossible to tell new from old.
The river of time only goes the one way,
We see tomorrow coming, but then it’s today.
And as yesterday becomes the distant past,
We learn the fact that nothing ever lasts.
And as the river empties into the sea
They become us, you becomes me.
The drop becomes the ocean wide and deep,
And all that was, finally falls asleep.
Phil Knight is a poet from Neath, South Wales. He has been published in Poetry Wales, Earthlove, Linkway, Red Poets and other publications.