December 3, 2024


So, you’ve decided to go at the publishing process alone. You’re diving straight in, not waiting for anyone to validate your work. You have a story and you are going to tell it. Phew! That was the easy part. The hard part? Figuring out where to start. The self-publishing process can be quite daunting for new (and sometimes even experienced) writers. You are going into the publishing process essentially on your own and learning as you go. It helps to have a little bit of guidance to show you the ropes. Everyone needs help once in a while (or even a whole lot, sometimes), and we’ve found quite a number of people who are happy to give of some of the knowledge they have through YouTube. So, we’re going to share them with you! This list is obviously not exhaustive but an excellent starter-list of a couple of the best channels that we’ve found to be very helpful lately. On that note, here are our top 3 YouTubers to help with the self publishing journey.


Mandi Lynn – Stone Ridge Books (@MandiLynnWrites)


Mandi’s channel is super helpful in explaining the process of self-publishing and managing your expectations as an author. Her transparency is what stands out the most. A lot of people, including authors, are not really keen on divulging their income, especially on the internet. Mandi, however, has entire videos dedicated to disclosing her book sales and author income reports, breaking down each platform’s sales in detail. Besides satisfying her viewer’s curiosity, this is helpful in keeping authors grounded and motivated because they know what the average sales may be and what to generally expect. She also speaks about where self-publishing authors can save costs on the process, and we all know how necessary that is in this day and age. Mandi is also just generally very pleasant and likeable, so her channel makes for easy viewing, even when the topic is something that can generally stress authors out…like earnings and costs.


Abbie Emmons (AbbieEmmons)


Besides having one of the most aesthetically pleasing Authortube channels out there, Abbie provides extremely helpful information for aspiring authors that are just starting out and who want to write the best story possible. She offers tips on how to tell your story, “write with me” lives, and immersive writing themes. Abbie serves as both an educator, as well as a motivator in the writing space. We encourage you to check her channel out if you’re just starting out on the writing path or if you need a little community-style push to motivate you to finish writing your book.


Dale L. Roberts (@DaleLRoberts)


Dale’s channel focuses on the business end of the self-publishing process. From which platform is best to publish on, to how to market your work, this channel covers it all. He occasionally has guests speaking about their personal publishing and book marketing journeys as well, which is extremely helpful and feels like a free masterclass from experienced authors.

So these are our top 3 YouTubers to help with the self publishing journey. Do you already follow any of these author content creators? Who are some of your faves? If you’re currently on your self-publishing journey, tell us how it’s going.

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